The Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Nondairy Chai contains between 270 – 2000 calories. It has 0 g of fat, including 0.8 g of saturated fat and 0 g of trans fat. It also has 3 g of protein, 48 g of carbohydrates, and 34 g of sugars. It has 0 mg of cholesterol and 101 mg of sodium.



Chai Tea Concentrate, Apple Crisp Syrup, Non-Dairy Milk, Ice, Toppings (Optional).


Tree Nuts (if using almond milk)Soy (if using soy milk)Gluten (some chai concentrates or syrups may contain trace gluten)Cinnamon and other spices

Source of Calories

Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Nondairy Chai Calories